Your financial support is needed as we head back to Mwanza to help promote economic and spiritual development.
The area we are working in is one of the poorest and un-opportunistic places I have visited while in Tanzania, and with your support, we can make a huge impact.
All monies donated will go directly into the work we do on the mission field!
Last years mission trip was a huge success, and the village has requested that we return to help out even more.
Mission Statement:
We will be helping the village grow the soap and charcoal businesses that we helped start last year.
In addition to that, we will also be teaching candle making classes.
These invaluable business start ups greatly help the people and the local economy as small business owners help develop a solid financial foundation.
Please consider supporting this mission trip so that we will have the funds to:
1. Train and buy materials for local soap making businesses
2. Train and buy materials for local charcoal making businesses
3. Buy and supply the local churches with much needed bibles.
Thanks and God Bless
Recent Donations
In recognition of Jesse birthday celebrated while working in mwanza
In recognition of Jesse birthday celebrated while working in mwanza
May God use you and spread His word. Thank you for what you are doing.
May God use you and spread His word. Thank you for what you are doing.
God bless your trip
God bless your trip
May God receive all the glory for the success of this trip! :-) blessings!
May God receive all the glory for the success of this trip! :-) blessings!
Excited to learn of this trip and to see what God will do!
Excited to learn of this trip and to see what God will do!
God Bless and thank you for spreading God's word. Safe travels.
God Bless and thank you for spreading God's word. Safe travels.
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