Dear Friend,
Welcome to Bible Training for the World’s India donation page.
The photo is of Dr. Syam Kumar distributing Handbooks to pastors.
If you have read Bible Training for the World’s welcome letter, you have seen testimonies of how welcome and fruitful the Handbook of Bible Doctrine is in India. For the sake of those who haven’t, I’ll briefly summarize it here and then offer instructions for donating. If you haven’t received the letter and would like to, please contact me at [email protected].
In 2010, Dr. Kumar of Andhra Pradesh, India, asked if I would condense my systematic Bible Studies at biblestudyproject.org into a booklet that he could use for discipleship and pastoral training in India, and thus was born. A year or so later, Zemen Endale Lashetew a Bible teacher of thousands in Ethiopia, asked if he could use some of my studies in his training, and I suggested the Handbook. Thus far, by the grace of God and the generosity of donors, almost 95,000 copies of A Handbook of Bible Doctrine have been printed and distributed in the native languages of these countries and is still in great demand.
An Indian-born American pastor friend of mine recently visited Dr. Kumar in India. Upon his return, he exclaimed at a Sunday morning service, “Norm’s material is being used all over India.” He later told me that it is being translated into Hindi and is being considered for translation into Bengali for the training of pastors in a church founded by William Carey some two hundred years ago.
Dr. Kumar: “I also plead you and beseech you to continue to pray for providing to print more Bible Doctrinal Hand booklets to reach and save many thousands of lost souls to Jesus and to expand the Kingdom of God. We are praying God to bless bible study project and strengthen your hand to bless many lost with Eternal bread of Life.”
The Handbook is in great demand in India for the winning of souls and the training of believers in sound Bible doctrine. For this, of course, I am filled with great joy.
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Will you contribute to Bible Training
for the World’s Ethiopia Fund?
If so, please click the red
button at the top.
Alternate designations will be offered
on the Donation form. Thank you.
Please note that the church of which I am a missionary, Cornerstone Community Fellowship of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
that issues annual tax-deductible receipts.
* * * * *
Many, many heartfelt thanks!
Norm Manzon
[email protected]
May the Lord see fit to bless this work!
~ For an updated Handbook in English at no cost,~
please email [email protected].