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Goal: $2,800
tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding




Amy and Carla are joining a mission to Guatemala with members of Mount Olive for Groundwork Guatemala. As with any mission trip, there is a need for financial assistance. During the next few months both Amy and Carla will be working to raise funds to pay for our airfare and other expenses for the trip. After prayerful consideration, we ask that you help us serve in Guatemala by making a donation.

Mission Statement:

Groundwork Guatemala is a ministry that is about connecting people. Our call, as Christians, is to connect the lost to the Living Word, Jesus Christ, then equip them for a life of service to their Savior and Lord.

Our mission team, along with an awesome team of Guatemalan missionaries will share Jesus with adults, teens and children.

We will be visiting with families both in worship as well as their homes to share our faith and gifts.

We are grateful for this oppotunity to be able both take our faith and spirit with us to Guatemala but also for the spirtual growth we will both be able to bring back with us afterward.