Receive a $75 Donation When you Refer a Friend

Don't keep our great service a secret! Share about the great service you receive at Continue To Give for your Church or Nonprofit!
For each referral that signs up with Continue To Give we will say thank you by donating $75 to your organization
How it works:
- Pick up the phone, send an email, make an announcement to churches or other nonprofits you know about Continue To Give's wonderful services and how they can get signed up
- Let them know if they sign up to mention you in their sign up process under "Referer"
- Once they sign up for Continue To Give's service and are approved we will to say thank you by donating $75 to you for each referral!

Q & A:
- Is there a limit to how many referrals I'm allowed to have? NO! There is no limit. You will get $75 for each approved referral.
- What can I use my $75 for? Anything you need to help your cause!
- Referred must be a church or nonprofit.
- Referred must process at least $10,000 in their first three month with Continue To Give.
- How will I receive my $75? We will donate on your Continue to Give page!