Frequently Asked Questions - Online Fundraising
Anyone can raise money here!
Continue To Give is for everyone! Yes, even individuals can raise money on Continue To Give!
- Individuals
- Organizations
- Churches
- Missionaries
- Fundraising Organizations
How do I claim my organization
If you represent a church or an organization, we will already have your page set and waiting for you to claim it
Claiming your page is easy
- Create your own personal account (signing in with a Facebook account that is also an admin of your organizations Facebook page is best)
- Use our search to find your organization
- Under the display name of your organization will be a "Claim Page" link. Click that
- Fill in the information about yourself
- You will shortly receive a follow-up from Continue To Give confirming you are the responsible party and able to claim that page
- Once you manage your page, you will be able to switch between your personal page, and your organizations page (Just like on Facebook)
- Take time to make your page inviting by uploading pics and vids!
How do missionaries raise money
With Continue To Give, you can fundraise through your church or organization very easily.
- Sign up for your personal page
- Make sure that your organization has signed up and claimed their page
- Make sure that your organization (not you) has set their profile to "Accept Missionaries" in their fundraising tab
- Go to your organizations profile page, and click the "Add Missionary" button
- Your organization will receive an email so they can go "Accept" your request
- In your fundraising setup, set up your fundraising goal.
- When people donate to you, their money will go to your supporting organization for tax purposes
How do Individuals Raise money
If you are an individual, using Continue To Give is very simple
You can use Continue To Give to raise money for your personal needs!
Individual fundraising is easy
- Sign up for your personal account
- From your "Home/Dashboard" page, click the "Fundraising option
- Tell us your fundraising goal
- Follow the link to create a Stripe account where our money goes (Stripe is like paypal)
- Share with your friends
- Start receiving donations
How do Persons, Missionaries, or Organizations get thier money
Payments are made real time!
Nonprofit organizations and churches: Donated money goes directly into the nonprofit or churches bank account in real time
Individuals: Donated money goes directly into your Stripe account in real time (Individuals set up a Stripe account when they setup their fundraising page. Stripe is like PayPal but better).
Missionaries: Donated money goes directly into the supporting nonprofit or churches bank account in real time
Unclaimed organizations: We send donations made to Official 501(c)(3) and Churches to the address we have on file from our IRS and churches database
Where does the organization info come from
Continue To Give maintains an up to date database of all registered 501(c)(3) organization and churches
501(c)(3) data comes directly from the IRS
Churches data come from Oddity software (A data collection agency)
How do I know if I am giving to an individual or an organization
As a rule of thumb, always be sure you know and trust the entity you are donating to
We have also made a couple of easy ways to tell the difference
- Every page will have a page type above the page name. Only official Organizations and Churches will say so.
- Under the name, we post any certificates they have. A page filled from the IRS will say "IRS Certified", a page from Oddity will say "Certified Church"
- If a page is claiming to be an organization, and they don't say "IRS Certified", they are not official and should be reported
How do I get my money
Payments are made real time!
Nonprofit organizations and churches: Donated money goes directly into the nonprofit or churches bank account in real time
Individuals: Donated money goes directly into your Stripe account in real time (Individuals set up a Stripe account when they setup their fundraising page. Stripe is like PayPal but better).
Missionaries: Donated money goes directly into the supporting nonprofit or churches bank account in real time
Unclaimed organizations: We send donations made to Official 501(c)(3) and Churches to the address we have on file from our IRS and churches database